Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Busy boy

I made Reed a binky strap and he enjoys it more than his pacifier now. He plays with it, chews on it and just holds on to it most the time.

He's getting really good at sitting up for longer and longer periods of time.

So cute. He'll sit in the bouncy for about 5 seconds and then he starts squirming down trying to get out. He's so busy and he hasn't even started crawling yet!

The result of said squirming. He finds the button to make the seat vibrate with his foot and finds great pleasure in kicking it on and off. (insert squeals of joy).


Allyson said...

I feel like I make the same comment to all your posts about Reed...but I just can't help it - ADORABLE! He is just too cute!

Anonymous said...

What a cute little hug-a bug -- and he looks like he is just full of the dickens as he plays with his bouncy seat! You can almost hear the laughter (his and yours!)

Paul and Susan's NY Historic Sites Mission said...

Yea, I think I would do that in that seat too. :) We sure had fun being with you guys last weekend. Thankyou for the great breakfast...Austin is STILL talking about you jam. We have some really cute pictures of Reed too. HUG!