Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Where has the summer gone?

I want to throw the computer out the window! But then I would be sad...The pictures are all off center and the captions have weird spacing, but I've already spent too long trying to get it to look right. If it keeps me up at night I'll fix it then.

Where to begin...lots of catching up to do. Here's some cute pics (in no particular order):

This last week we watched Brent's sister's kids while they went on vacation. We had a great time with them and Reed got to got swimming for the first time. He took a while to warm up to it, but was splashing and laughing at the end.

Not so sure about the water...

It's safe with Dad.

Even better snuggled up in a warm towel with Mom.

Reeds first train ride! Reed was hot and teething, but was in awe of all the new sights, sounds and smells at Lagoon.

Our 4th:

We went to Brent's brothers for the fourth and had a BBQ and set off a few fireworks.

Reed was scared of the street fireworks going off all around us, but the night before we had gone to the big Bountiful fireworks and he slept through the whole thing.

We had my cousin Laura staying with us before and after she went to EFY back in July. We stayed busy quilting and beading and having all sorts of fun. We were sad when she had to go home. The time went too fast.

New things:
4 teeth on the top. They ALL came in last week - in 5 days! Fun for everyone - his nursing days may be limited...

Reed trying to eat with us, as always. We do feed him, I promise.

Reed knows when we're taking a picture of him, so it's impossible to get candid ones anymore. As soon as he hears the beep or sees the anti-red eye light he puts on this goofy grin.

He's getting so big and, teething aside, is a fun and happy baby. I'm just keep telling myself to treasure these times because he won't always want to snuggle and be with Mom! He amazes me every day and we love him to pieces!


Anonymous said...

What great pictures! Thanks for trying to keep us posted on all the adventures. We love looking at your blog -- each new entry feels almost like opening presents. We love Reed's "posing" grin -- too funny. What a cutie.

Eliza said...

Loved the pictures. 4 teeth in 5 days is crazy! Better that then to drag it all out I suppose. Daniel has 8 teeth now (just turned 1) and he nurses well, he has only bit me once and I gave him a sharp "no" and ended the nurse.. he hasn't done it since.

Heidi #1 said...

Just making a quick note that Reed is playing with toys in that last photo. I don't know how long it lasted cause I wasn't there, but he has one in his hand. By the way, I have been following Seth around for weeks trying to get a shot of him playing with a toy but keep coming up empty handed. I have some with the door stop that he pulls off the wall, some cups and straws, flip flops, pillows, and his brothers new school backpack. Oh well, I will keep trying.

Paul and Susan's NY Historic Sites Mission said...

Love the pictures. Laura and I especially love the Reed updates. :) He is going to be so fun to have visit...with you and Brent of course. :). We can't wait to see you on Saturday!!!

Aunt Susan