Thursday, January 22, 2009

Boys will be boys

So we had a hard week last week, but Brent assures me it is only the beginning of raising a boy...he bonked himslef in the nose with a rattle and got a bloody nose. I felt like a horrible mother and am now sticking to soft rattles until he gets more coordinated. He got several bumps on the forehead through various head flinging episodes and it seemed likehe was getting bumped or hurt at least once a day. There will be more bloody noses and bumps on the forehead, but these were the first ones and I wasn't expecting them to start already! Anyway, you can see from the pictures he's still a happy, smiley baby.

This is meant to be a family blog, but so far its all about Reed. When our life starts consisting of things other than feeding Reed, playing with Reed, feeding Reed, changing Reed's diapers, feeding Reed and getting some sleep here and there, (did I mention feeding Reed?) we'll let you know...we love it, but our lives are not very exciting at the moment (and we are two tired looking people, so we keep the camera lense focused on our cute baby)

I did get a long overdue hair cut (I'll post a pic when I'm feeling more phoyogrnic). The last few times I've gone in I barely looked like I'd had a hair cut and wished I'd been more brave and gotten bangs. So, this time I decided to take the plunge and get some side swept bangs. What was I thinking, getting a more labor intensive hair style with a 3 month old baby!? Oh well, that's what they invented headbands for, right?

Okay, so maybe not always a happy, smiley baby...

On Saturday, he just woke up and waited for us to get him out of his bassinet. No crying, just looking around and then he gave us the biggest smile when we saw that he was awake. So cute.

His cooing is getting so loud and fun. He'd just let out a really loud scream was thrilled with himself when I took this pic

I decided you can't have too many sleeping baby pictures!

Daddy's boy - he's looking more and more like Brent every day.


Allyson said...

You are WAY too hard on yourself! He is just beautiful, and getting so big!

I am glad you found some "me" time to get your hair done. You must post a picuture so that I can see the new bangs.

Anonymous said...

What adorable pictures! Reed is THE cutest little guy. Not only fun to see, but it does my heart good. And he is looking so much like his Daddy - uncanny! Can't wait to see your new cut, too, Carolina.

Paul and Susan's NY Historic Sites Mission said...

Yahoo!!! You posted something new, with new pictures too. I never tire of reading about Reed, so keep it coming. His pictures just make me want to bite his neck!!! I can't wait to see your new haircut. Take a pic Sunday morning. I bet you will look pretty nice that day, right? Thanks for posting again. :) Hugs, Susan