Thursday, June 25, 2009

Get over it Caroline

This has me bummed out and frustrated:

I feel like such a drama queen - the doctor has me in a cast and I didn't even break anything!

So here's the story: My thumb started hurting a few weeks after Reed was born and I finally went to the doctor in January. He told me it was tendinitis and to take Alleve. Well, a few months ago when I took Reed in for a check-up I mentioned that it was getting worse, the Alleve was doing nothing and the pain had settled in my wrist. He said it should have gone away by now and referred me to a orthopedic specialist. I didn't call him until last week though. I thought I'd just deal with it, but not only was it HURTING, burning, popping and freezing up it would sometimes just totally give out and I was afraid I was going to end up dropping Reed one of these days. The ortho doc took one look at me carrying Reed into the office (with nothing obviously wrong with me) and said "I bet I know what's wrong with you". I thought he was teasing me, because there were obviously crippled people coming in and out of that waiting room and I was not one of them. But he said "what hand is it?" (I hadn't told him I was there for my hand, but gave him my right hand), he then moved my wrist in exactly the way that hurts it and said "that hurts, right?" I said "YES!" and he said "DeQuervain's - textbook case. I see it all the time in mom's with young kids." A golfball-sized Cortizone shot in my wrist and three weeks in a cast and I should be cured. Otherwise, surgery.

So, now I'm a one-armed mom to a very busy boy and sick of it already. He said that he used to give people removable casts, but they didn't work because people took them off. I've wanted to take this thing off hundreds of times already and it's only been 2 days. I would have taken it off "just for a second" dozens of times already, so I guess it's good that I don't have that option. But it makes it hard to cook, change diapers, impossible to do dishes, water the yard, bathe myself, bathe Reed...ugh. Typing is fun too...

To help get me out of this cast-wearing funk, I thought I'd post some things I'm thankful for:

-I'm left handed, so at least I still have the use of my more coordinated hand. Life could be much harder!

-These two guys (so cute together on Father's Day - and everyday!)

-Have I ever mentioned that we have 40+ rose bushes in our back yard? Well, we do and I have bouquets all over the house that get replenished daily. They make me happy. Anyone want some roses? We have plenty!

-It has rained almost daily for the last three weeks. I haven't had to water since May! Our garden and other newly planted landscaping is very happy. I'm not so diligent with the watering thing, so I'm happy too! Now, it's finally hot, June weather and I'm going to have to figure something out...I tried to put a giant kitchen glove over my wrist, but it wasn't giant enough.

-Our garden. Brent worked long and hard in back of our garage to turn the grassy area back there into our garden. We have corn, squash, zucchini, green beans, peppers, cucumbers, lots of differents kinds of tomoatoes and herbs. We got our fist zucchini last night. So exciting! Our herbs are in Earth Boxes. I love them. They're easy to water, they were free and they're full of 10 different herbs that our neighbor gave us from her herb garden! She got roses...

There's lots more to be greatful for, but I feel better already. It's only three weeks, get over it Caroine.

Happy summer!


April and Jared Fenn said...

Hey Caroline! I got your blog address from Chaylse's blog, hope you don't mind. I'm sorry to hear about your pains! I truly hope the shot and cast work out so that you don't have to have surgery. I LOVE the cute pics of your boys and the beautiful roses.

Heidi #1 said...

I saw you and Brent walking with your blue cast, and wondered what ails you. Sorry about that. I was also very happy with the roses when we lived there. There is a story behind them. I should share it with you sometime. It would add to your love of the history of that house. Hope you feel better soon.

Eliza said...

At least it is a semi-quick fix and you still have almost normal mobility. Take it easy!

Anonymous said...

Although I've had casts, splints etc. I've never had to have one with a baby in diapers! Oh my goodness, what a challenge! I sure wish we lived closer to each other now more than ever, so we could come help. Hope our good thoughts and prayers make things a little tiny bit better. Love your positive take on things though -- your list and pictures makes US happy too!