Our most recent trip to California was so much fun. Reed loved every minute of it. We went to the beach and stopped at Marianne's, of course. We went to Bonfante Gardens which Reed loved, except when the rides stopped (as is pictured in my frustrated test picture post)
We all loved our garden this year. Each year we learn more and more, but it's always fun! This year: tomatoes, cucumber, butternut squash, crockneck squash, winter squash, swiss chard, onions, leeks, strawberries, asparagus, sugar snap peas, bell peppers, chili peppers, tomatillos, eggplant and lots and lots of herbs! We loved eating fresh veggies. I'm slowly learning how to can/bottle a few things so this year we will be able to enjoy more throughout the year - still learning...
We love our 85 year old home, but we've had issues with our 85 year old plumbing. Reed is very entertained by it (mostly the tools it entails), Brent and I not so much.
In June Brent went back to working at Fidelity. He is able to take the bus and I have a car again!
I also got bit by one of the mean dogs down the street while I was walking Reed. I'm so glad the dog didn't go after Reed. I'm still nervous to go in front of their house.Silly boy
Reed loves to be read to, but will also just sit and look at a book. He's so good.
Reed went through a phase where all he wanted to do was find things to line up or stack. My favorite was the 3 foot tall leaning bus towers he would make.
Reed loves to help in the kitchen, especially when it involves making ice cream!
Little gardener. He has his own set of garneding tools and lawn mower to help us around the yard.
Basement progress! Standing in the guest room looking out to the playroom/family room.
July Yum! Corn on the 24th of July
Tired Reed after running around in the sprinklers with cousins at a BBQ at Aunt Karens house
July was a crazy month with lots of time with our extended family and visitors.
It started with a week-long Barton family (all 36 of us!) reunion at Fish Lake in Utah. Brent had just started his new position at Fidelity so we couldn't go for the whole week but made it a long weekend. Reed loved playing in the dirt and throwing rocks. It's crazy that this was our fisrt camping trip in years because we love the outdoors so much and it used to be what we did together - almost every weekend we'd go on some sort of hike or excursion. Since we moved to Utah, nothing. Not that Utah doesn't have plenty to offer, Reed and house projects seem to take up a lot of free time and I just don't know where to go like I did in California. I got a Utah book and we have places we want to go...anyway, it was fun to finally make the time to enjoy the outdoors!Cousin sandwich with the Stevens!
Another big deal was my grandpa coming out to Utah for a visit and a Larson family reunion. I was so glad that he decided to make the trip to see all of his brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews that are out here in Utah. My grandpa loves to do "knuckles" every time he sees Reed and Reed never lets him down!
My cousin Laura came out for a visit with a week at EFY in the middle.
My mom came out for a visit too but you'll just have to take my word for it. There are more pictures of the three of us (above, at Red Butte Garden) during her visit than ever before because she was great at volunteering to take pictures but not be in them. We'll get you eventually Mom! We had fun with her though and she was a huge help watching Reed while we put the finishing touches on our basement.
A low key month putting finishing touches on our basement, working in our yard and enjoying the summer. IKEA Billy bookcases make to look built in. Please excuse what's on them. This is a picture I took to show my mom the progress, but I'd just stuck stuff on them to get it off the floor or out of storage. I haven't taken a picture of the after and in the interest of getting this post done it's as good a it gets. Maybe someday I'll get around to a before and after basement post.
Brent (and helper) potting curtains up in the guestroom/craft room.
With leftover trim from the basement we added coat hooks by the back door. Now that it's winter those hooks are loaded. Bead board coming soon...
With the basement mostly finished, we turned our attention to our yard. We did a lot of planting and put edging and a rock border around our flowerbeds to keep the dreaded quack grass at bay. We added flowerbeds between the grass and the sidewalk and did more contouring in the flowerbeds against the house, planted 22 plants (yay Home Depot 75% off sale!) and did a ton of pruning and removing. I'll do a before and after when it's all done.
This month could be a mammoth post all by itself, but here's the condensed version...
We went to Kauai, Hawaii as a family! My mom was nice enough to come with us so Brent and I could do things like snorkel and kayak. We decided to go for it this year while Reed was a free plane ticket and we only have one child to take care of. We probably won't get another chance to take a big trip like this until our kids are grown so we went for it. So glad we did. Great memories were made.
Reed turned 2. Unbelievable. We are so grateful to have this little boy in our lives. He is such a joy and pleasure to be around. We love every minute of being his parents and are trying to soak it all in before he's off to college. He's growing so fast! We love you so much Reed!
Reed and I also went to visit my friends in Houston, Texas. I had planned this trip before we decided to go to Hawaii, but I'm so glad we were able to go because it was our last hurrah before Reed turned into another plane ticket and we drive everywhere we vacation from now on! We had so much fun. We got to visit with the rapidly growing Hallie and John who I started to nanny for when they were 5 and 3 months! We went to the Houston Zoo and Paula and I went the Round Top Antiques Fair which is always a blast. I got a Salt Lake blue plate to add to my blue plate collection, two stained glass windows and some cool old canning jars and lids.
If you look closely in the Halloween picture you can see he's clutching a small skateboard. This is his favorite thing. He got it on his first (and so far only) trip to McDonald's and he loves it. There was a period of time he wouldn't sleep without it and worried about what might happen if we lost it (by the time we realized how much he liked it they'd switched the toy to Mr. Potato Head). Fortunatley he has since branched out and we never did lose it.
My parents came for Thanksgiving. It's fun to be able to spend a holiday with them and we're so glad they were able to make it. There was a HUGE snow storm the day before Thanksgiving and we were worried they'd be spending Thanksgiving in Elko.
They brought the train table with them and it's awesome! I'm in the process of staining and sealing it right now but he's going to love it! Somehow whenever my mom comes for a visit we never get through our list of things to do. Every time there are some art projects I'd like her to tackle (my mom is a very talented artist) but these are the things that we somehow never get to. Well, after Thanksgiving my mom stayed a few extra days and was able to do several projects with us. We're so grateful to her for sharing her talent.
December - all caught up!
This last Wednesday I put down Reed for his nap and a few minutes later I hear his little feet running into my room. With this huge smile on his face he exclaims "Mama, I awake". My life is over. Why? Because he can now get out of his crib any time he wants. This has meant we are back to sleeping like we have an infant because he comes pitter-pattering into our room at all hours pulling on our sheets saying "I awake Mama". Some days this has meant I'm awake at 5am, others he's back to bed at 12, then 2 then 4... At least he comes into our room and doesn't go downstairs and wreak havoc...yet!
1 comment:
Wow-- what an amazing group of posts! And photos and updates etc. Awesome job, Caroline. Thanks!
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