Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Spring!

So, we've been taking advantage of the gorgeous spring weather and spending lots of time outside in our yard. Between the time Brent was hired at etrade and the time he actually started I put him to work planting a hedge along the back fence (to start hiding the apartment parking lot behind us as soon as possible!), getting our garden area ready for planting, landscaping our front flower beds, digging out new flower beds by the sidewalk and taking out a lamp post! He worked hard and we got so much done. We now have the foundation of our landscaping in place and can sit back and enjoy it for years. Here our some pics of our little man watching us work.

He rolled and scooted himself from the center of the entryway over to a corner and sat there watching me plant in the containers on the front porch. He can get himself in the crawling position, but has only figured out how to go backwards. In this case it got him a better view of what i was doing, but it's quite frustrating for him when he means to go for a toy and just gets farther and farther away from it. he's getting so big...


Allyson said...

You and your plants! I wish I could grow things, alas all I do is kill them. I guess it is astro-turf and silk flowers for me.

Anonymous said...

The pictures of Reed and your front porch are so fun -- and that hat! It looks like he'll look as good in a hat as his Mommy...

Paul and Susan's NY Historic Sites Mission said...

Bo, in the picture of Reed in the hat he looks like Grandpa Peltz in baby pics. Have you taken a look at any of them?