Saturday, July 18, 2009

Silly boy

Why did we even buy him toys? These are his favorite things:

The mirrors on all our closet doors. He has discovered a fun friend lives in them. Every morning when he gets up that's the first things he wants to do; play with his new-found, super-smiley friend.

He is fascinated by his binky clip. He especially likes to shake my multivitamins. Really, who needs silly baby rattles?

Soy nuts in a huge plastic container and the doorstop to our bedroom.

My water bottles. He loves to shake them up and down (empty) so the lid hits the side and makes an oh-so-fun noise.


Anonymous said...

What a fun post (with cute pics)! Reed does seem to entertain himself pretty well with some of the more obscure "toys" around your house. It looks like you have a pretty creative little guy - I remember how much fun he could have with my leather case for glasses. Ymmmmm - leather!

April and Jared Fenn said...

He's so cute! Isn't it so fun to chase him around the house? Just wait until he can RUN and not just crawl. It only keeps getting better. :)

Paula said...

This is such a fun post. Great photos, too. That boy is CUTE!!! Now, I had wondered why you hadn't returned my email - and I see that you are in a cast!!! Didn't I warn you about that? I remember my wrists hurting so much with John that I had to pick him up with my thumbs tucked in. I have some carpal tunnel issues right now as well - it is awful!!

Hallie thinks that Reed is adorable as well. Keep posting.

Eliza said...

I found that to be the case with my boys. In fact, Daniel's almost one and I've only bought him one toy. He's always finding something to hold his interest, so is Jacob for that matter. Kitchen tools, measuring cups and tupperware are always favorites.

Heidi #1 said...

That sounds a lot like Seth! His favorite things to play with are water bottles, the springy door stop stuck to the wall (he flicks it), kitchen spoons and pots, mirrors, and of course any pair of flip flops that are lying around the house. They are spongy and fun to chew on. They sound like they would be good friends playing with all their non-toys!