Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Reed and Norah

I saw this picture and it made me remember I need to write down a few things from when Norah was first born before I forget...

Reed was so excited to be a big brother.  He was even more excited to be a  big brother to a sister.  When he came to the hospital to meet her he didn't know what to do.  He just wanted to snuggle me.  Wouldn't smile, was holding Norah against his will and wouldn't even look at her.  We took this picture and didn't push it any more.  Thankfully, I think it was more of a hospital thing because when we brought her home a few hours later it was nothing but kisses and hugs and excitement from Reed.  Still is!  Phew.  He loves being Norah's borther.  Melts my heart to see them together.

While I was pregnant we would talk about possible names for Norah, and Reed was pretty much settled on naming her Mary (my middle name, and now Norah's middle name).  When we introduced him to his new sister "Norah".  He gave me this look and said "Mom, that's so embarrassing!"  "Embarrassing?" I asked him.  "Yeah.  That's not a real name.  You need to name her something like 'Ruby' or 'Penny' or 'Rosie'.  (All names of little girls we know).  He would not call her Norah for the whole first week after we brought her home.  She was Mary.  Now he will refer to her as Norah, mostly to other people.  At home we usually call her Sissy and when other people ask him what his sister's name is he says "Norah Mary Barton".

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