Friday, February 27, 2009

Nasty colds

So, I haven't posted pics for a very long time, but we have had a nasty cold being passed around our family. I got it first, then Brent and Reed got it just about the time I got better. They also came down with it the day Reed and I left for California and Reed slept through the entire plane ride - it was great! Brent has been all alone and sick back in Utah, but I think we are all on the mend now. Reed and I are still in California (until Monday) and he's finally back to his smiley self. Here's some pre-trip pictures:

We fed Reed rice cereal for the first time on the 15th and we managed to get some of it IN his mouth!

He has discovered how fun it is to blow spit bubbles. I was on the computer and heard him gurgling away and when I went over to check on him after a few minutes, he had a huge pile of bubbles coming out of his mouth, down his face and pooling on the bed.


Allyson said...

I am so sorry to hear that Reed has been sick. Sick babies = no fun!

Anonymous said...

Yummmm -spit bubbles! Babies have so much fun making those, and Reed looks particularly happy. Good job, Reed!